tis the season...i love christmas.
i love decorating the house and keeping the decorations up til mid-january
i love getting together with family and a fire in the fireplace.
i love turning the lights on the tree when i get up in the morning and not turning them off til i go to bed at night.
i love having everyone together and seeing people i don't see any other time of year.
what i don't love is the hectic pressure we put on ourselves to buy gifts and spend money and wrap everything so that we can rip off the beautiful wrapping in ten seconds time.
this year i did a semi boycott on what i don't like and it was good. less was definitely more and there really was peace on earth...well marina pacifica at least.
i am so blessed.
i have an amazing life.
i live in an incredible place (s).
i have fabulous friends.
i am part of an absolutely fabulous family.
i am so lucky.
i am so blessed!
thank you!!
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15 years ago