Monday, April 28, 2008

Elephants and more...

we all decided that an elephant ride was necessary to round out our trip. so off we went friday afternoon for an elephant adventure. Siam Safari, we discovered was the most humane and took the best care of their elephants. let's suffice it to say that it was amazing, and the indian elephants were so gentle and incredibly lovely...the mottled skin on their ears shows they are older...possibly 30-35 yrs old....

we went around a pathway through the tree canopy so that it wouldn't be too hot for our big friends...our big guy was Jamjaew...
his trainer is his mahoot..and is pretty much with him for life..the elephants can live to be 60 years old...yikes

after their walk...our buddies like a little fruit cute! and speaking of cute!

Great day......

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